Supported and trusted by:
DFI, CEFIMA, Mediafutures, AI4Media, DR, IDFA, IDFA DocLab, MiT Doclab, Innovation Fund Denmark, Innobooster, EC H2020

Founding team:
Mads Damsbo - CEO, co-founder;
Piotr Winiewicz - co-founder, artistic dir, product owner;
Esbern Torgard Kaspersen - CTO, co-founder.

Jakob Høgel - Advisor and research consultant;
Sofie Lykke - PR and communication;
Philo van Kemenade - strategy and consulting.

We believe in human machine co-creation and will equip audiovisual storytellers with uprecedented creative powers through custom trained AI.

We see the next step for the evolution of AI to understand the the juxtaposition of moving images (montage) for automatic film editing. 
We consult in the creative use of AI and media, deliver custom trained models and collaborate on deep research projects.

Tomsgaardsvej 19, 2400 Copenhagen NV, Denmark


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02–04–2024       (026)

Kaspar was invited to the Munich Dox Forum, to both give the opening keynote focussed on the film ABOUT A HERO, and later to have a session about K1 and the alpha feature Robocut, that can automatically assemble shots from text. 

07–10–2023       (025)

Our CEO, Mads has been invited to present our technology during Picture This in Copenhagen, and at the Industry Days of both the Swedish Film Institute in Stockholm and the Norwegian Filminstitute in Oslo.

Watch the presentation here  

13–11–2023       (025)

We have visited University of Amsterdam that hosts our PhD project AI4Film and took part of the workshop with our partners. 

13–11–2023       (025)

William Quail’s Pyramid premiered at IDFA 2023 with technology powered by Kaspar. 

08–11–2023       (025)
K1 is in alpha - learn more about it here

K1 is an advanced AI powered search tool for Adobe Premiere Pro.You can search for visual features and through the audio of your footage. K1 will find what your looking for in seconds.

08–10–2023       (025)
Want to be part of our growing community - Join us on Discord.

20–05–2023       (025)
We just released a microproduct. You can now analyse and search through any youtube video. 

24–02–2023       (024)
Our research into an Pr extension is on fire.
For early access, sign up to our newsletter.

20–02–2023       (024)
Kaspar has been awarded 50.000€ by the AI4Media fund and will work on our proprietary Natural Language Media Indexing Engine (NLMIE). 

23–01–2023        (026)
Alpha version of the Kaspar tagging and search tool is available to test.

Sign up to our newsletter for access. 

17–01–2023       (024)
Our CEO Mads, went on a small trip to San Francisco to touch base with potential investors and collaborators. 🌈️

10–01–2023        (025)
New Version of Untold Stories powered by Kaspar is available for testing. Go to to try yourself.

07–09–2022        (027)
Kaspar presents their project Doppelganger during Demo Days at Centre Pompidou in Paris. Doppelganger has been part of Mediafutures challange track, funded by EC -H2020.

24–07-2022        (028)
We are very happy to announce that we now officially started a joint PhD program with University of Amsterdam. Titled AI4Film, lead by Nanne van Noord. Congratulations to Carlo Bretti - our PhD student!

07–11–2021        (027)
Kaspar at IDFA!

11–10–2021        (027)
Piotr and Sofie take part in a panel discussion - Ways of Seeing - during the Netherlands Film Festival

01–01–2019        (027)
Kaspar is founded!

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Supported and trusted by:
DFI, CEFIMA, Mediafutures, AI4Media, DR, IDFA, IDFA DocLab, MiT Doclab, Innovation Fund Denmark, Innobooster, EC H2020

Founding team:
Mads Damsbo - CEO, co-founder;
Piotr Winiewicz - co-founder, artistic dir, product owner;
Esbern Torgard Kaspersen - CTO, co-founder.

Sofie Lykke - PR and communication;
Philo van Kemenade - strategy and consulting.

We believe in human machine co-creation and will equip audiovisual storytellers with uprecedented creative powers through custom trained AI.

We see the next step for the evolution of AI to understand the the juxtaposition of moving images (montage) for automatic film editing.
We consult in the creative use of AI and media, deliver custom trained models and collaborate on deep research projects.

Tomsgaardsvej 19, 2400 Copenhagen NV, Denmark